Quiz for Soul Winners

    This is a short quiz to test the Bible knowledge of soul-winners, revivalists, people who hand out tracts and put religious handbills on windshields and screen doors, and all who equate quality of worship with quantity of activity. Also, this quiz might acquaint them with a few verses they did not know were in the Bible.

    Take as long as you like with this quiz, as there is no time limit. Use your Bible, and strive for quality in your answers, rather than merely working for quantity. After all, there are some things more important than soul-winning.

  1. Where is the Bible text that says to accept Jesus before it is too late?
  2. Where is the Bible text that says to accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior?
  3. Where does the Bible mention a "personal savior" at all?  
    Is there any other kind of a savior than a personal one?  
    What other kind of savior is there?
  4. Please give the Bible reference where the often-quoted text, "Whosoever will may come," is located.
  5. Did Christ pray for the world?
    For whom did He pray? (John 17:9)
  6. Were Christ's parables used as "sermon illustrations" to make His teachings plain? (Mark 4:11-12)
  7. If Christ saved the chief of sinners (1 Timothy 1:15), could there be any lesser sinner that He could not save, if He desired to do so?
  8. Regarding the "unsaved," does God
    (a) have the desire to save them but lack the ability;
    (b) have both the desire and the ability to save them (i. e., universal salvation);
    (c) lack both the ability and the desire to save them; or,
    (d) have the ability but not the desire to save them? (See Job 23:13, Psalm 115:3, Psalm 135:6)
  9. Does God desire the salvation of those who were appointed to disobedience (1 Peter 2:8)? .
  10. Does God desire the salvation of those who, as natural brute beasts, are made to be taken and destroyed (2 Peter 2:12)? .
  11. Does God desire the salvation of those who were before of old ordained to "this condemnation"  (Jude 4)?
  12. Does God desire the salvation of Esau?
    Of Pharaoh?
    Of those whom He hardens?
    Of those vessels of wrath fitted to destruction (Romans 9:13-22)?
  13. When was the last time you saw a vessel fit itself for anything?
  14. Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honor, and another unto dishonor (Romans 9:21)?
  15. What shall we say then?
    Is there unrighteousness with God? (Romans 9:14)
  16. Who art thou that repliest against God?
    Shall the thing formed say to Him that formed it, "Why has thou made me thus?" (Romans 9:20)
  17. Does God wish to save those who are now in Hell?
    If He does, why doesn't He do so, since He has all power?
    If He does not wish to save them, did He ever desire to do so?
    If He at one time did desire to save them, when did the unchangeable God (Malachi 3:6) change, and who or what changed Him?
  18. If God is changeable, won't the sons of Jacob be consumed? (Malachi 3:6)
  19. Does Christ
    (a) seek more people than He saves,
    (b) save more people than He seeks, or
    (c) is His seeking and His saving to the exact same extent? (Luke 19:10)
  20. Is Jesus Christ a better seeker than He is a savior? (Luke 19:10)
  21. If you "seek and ye shall find," (Matthew 7:7) will not Christ most certainly do the same?
    Will He be less successful than you?
  22. What did Isaiah mean when he prayed, "O Lord, why hast Thou made us to err from Thy ways, and hardened our hearts from Thy fear?" (Isaiah 63:17)
  23. Whom does God seek?
    His servants, or Satan's servants? (Psalm 119:176)
  24. Since almost no one denies that the devil can and does work in his children (Ephesians 2:2), why would anyone deny that
    (a) God works in His children, or
    (b) God also works in the devil's children
    unless they believe the devil has more power than God?
  25. Why does Isaiah say that God will ordain peace for His people? (Isaiah 26:12)
  26. See Hosea 4:17. If Ephraim is joined to idols, why don't we send missionaries to him to teach him to do better? Why let him alone?
  27. Can anyone know the Father or the Son, short of divine revelation? (Matthew 11:25-27)
  28. Can you change your belief?
  29. Can the people whom God has delivered over to strong delusion that they might believe a lie that they might be damned who believed not the truth (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12) change their belief?
  30. Can those whom God gave over to a reprobate mind (Romans 1:28) change their belief?
  31. Can those to whom God has given belief (Philippians 1:29) change their belief?
  32. Can you keep from believing something you believe is the truth?
  33. Were Adam and Eve saved?
    If they were, who was the soul-winner who led them to God?
    Did not their salvation establish the precedent for all salvation?
  34. How many ways does God have to save people?
  35. What else besides John 3:16 did Jesus Christ say about God's love?
  36. How many sermons on "the love of God" are recorded in the book of Acts?
  37. Where is the verse that says to give your heart to God?
  38. Where is the text that says to "open your heart and let Jesus come in"?
  39. Who opened Lydia's heart? (Acts 16:14)
  40. What does "so" mean in John 3:16?
  41. Does God save sinners because of what they do,
    or because of what Christ has done,
    or both,
    or neither?
  42. Whatever will be will be--will it not?
    Do you know anyone who really believes that
    (a) whatever will be won't be, or
    (b) whatever won't be will be?
  43. Why didn't Ephraim repent before he was turned? (Jeremiah 31:18f)
  44. In Psalm 119:32, why wouldn't the psalmist run the way of God's commandments before God enlarged his heart?
  45. In Psalm 119:35, if the psalmist delights in the path of God's commandments, then why must he be made to go in that path?
  46. Are the terms "saved," "born again, "regenerated," and "quickened" all synonymous? That is, do they all refer to the same experience?
  47. If "quicken" means the same as to regenerate, and the psalmist means in Psalm 119:50 and Psalm 119:93 that God has regenerated him by the means of the Bible, then why does he pray to be quickened in Psalm 119:25, Psalm 119:37, Psalm 119:40, Psalm 119:88, Psalm 119:149, Psalm 119:154, Psalm 119:156, Psalm 119:159, and other places?
  48. If the psalmist is "saved," then why does he pray for God to save him (Psalm 119:94, Psalm 119:146)? Or, did "unsaved" men write the Bible?
  49. Why would the psalmist pray that God would not incline his heart to covetousness (Psalm 119:36) or any evil thing (Psalm 141:4) if that were not within God's prerogative, power, and disposal?
  50. Were those whose sins remained (John 9:41) part of the world whose sins the Lamb of God took away (John 1:29)?
    Can sins be taken away and also remain?
  51. Name one child of God that ever totally and finally apostatized.
  52. Name one person for whom Christ died that was or will be damned eternally.
  53. (a) Don't you think you would save everyone, if you could have your way?
    And (b) Didn't God say, "My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways?" (Isaiah 55:8)
  54. If all a person has to do to be saved is call on the Lord, then why didn't the Lord save David's enemies when they cried unto Him (Psalm 18:40-41)?
  55. God says, "Every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters" (Isaiah 55:1).  Is that an invitation to anyone that does not thirst?
  56. Does Christ call goats in order to make them sheep, or does He call His own sheep by name (John 10:3)?
  57. (a) Could the apostle Paul have been faithful, had he not obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful (1 Corinthians 7:25)?
    (b) Having obtained mercy of the Lord to be faithful, could the apostle Paul, or anyone else, be otherwise than faithful?
  58. If your flesh and blood actions got any individual turned from Hell to Heaven, would you say that the flesh profiteth NOTHING (John 6:63)?
  59. Doesn't the "soul-winning" system make one's "new birth" dependent on one's brother, rather than one's Father?
  60. Where is there a scriptural example or precept to teach anyone to pray for the salvation of the wicked, or to pray for sinners to be born again?
Topics: Gospel Distinctives
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