He Hath Found it So

    A man that hath that experimental knowledge that accompanies salvation, will from experience tell you, that sin is the greatest evil in the world, for he hath found it so, Rom. 7; that Christ is the one thing necessary, for he hath found Him so, Psalm 27:4; that the favor of God is better than life, for he hath found it so, Psalm 63:3; that only pardoning mercy makes a man happy, for he hath found it so, Psalm 32:1,2; that a wounded spirit is such a burden that none can bear, for he hath found it so, Proverbs 28:14; that an humble and broken heart is an acceptable sacrifice to God, for he hath found it so, Psalm 51:17; that the promises are precious pearls, for he hath found them so, II Peter 1:4; that the smiles of God will make up the want of any outward mercy, for he hath found it so, Psalm 4:5-8; that only communion with God can make a heaven in a believer's heart, for he hath found it so, Psalm 48:10; that if the Spirit be pleased and obeyed, He will be a Comforter to the soul, for he hath found it so, John 15:1-14 Well! souls, remember this, that knowledge that is not experimental will never turn to your account, it will only increase your guilt and torment, as it did the Scribes and Pharisees...

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